Saturday, July 5, 2008


Chris turned 26 on July 3rd and so we had a surprise birthday dinner for him.  Navajo tacos! They are the best, unhealthy-yes, delicious-YES!
Everyone enjoying the meal.  Chris' cute wife Fleur had to help me keep this a secret.  Well we are both terrible liars so even with planned lies I ended up with some disease and a random request for Subway cookies that had to be delivered to my house around dinner time.  Luckily we were able to explain ourselves.  
Metz and Christian.  They are almost exactly a year apart.  Metz was born 12/26 and Christian on 12/25 the following year.  They are buddies.  Love chasing each other around, mimicking each other and just having fun.  Sure cute.
Chocolate Cream Pie.  Not the prettiest thing I've ever made but sure tasted good. Thanks Jan for teaching me this one, it has come in handy.
Christian pretty much saying "Don't mess with me I'm eating pie".   Metz also enjoyed the pie, he had been staring at it all day and amazingly I kept his sticky fingers from touching it.  Good kid.  Happy Birthday Chris :)!!

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