Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Ta-Da.  THE PIG.
The boys got to work and couldn't have been happier.  Once they got into the meat there was pork flying everywhere.  If you were in the kitchen you were required to have meat in your mouth.  There was no avoiding it.
As Metz would say "Um, Um, Um Yummy"!
The apple.  Of course the pig had to have an apple in his mouth and I sacrificed my last green apple I had in the fridge.  But all in the name of a delicious pig roast.
Yes that would be the tail.  Sorry folks.  That would be Audriano (one of the guys from upstairs) and host of the party.  The tail got passed around along with legs and a ton of meat.  Cort is pretty sure he ate at least a pound of meat.  We also took home quite a bit which Cort enjoyed for a few days.  I don't think Cort will be craving pork any time soon.  Thanks guys for a fun night. 


Jennifer said...

Wow Kimi! That's pretty wild, but it sounds like it was a fun. Congratulations on the successful pig roast!

Em said...
