Wednesday, July 30, 2008

4th Semester Banquet

Ross has a dinner for the outgoing students each semester.  Yea it was our turn :)  We went to a "Mansion" up in the hills and enjoyed a nice night.  It was a real dinner with appetizers, a full course dinner with STEAK!!! (I finally had my steak I have been craving since Christmas!) and desserts.  Cort and I enjoyed our second night out without Metz.  By the way, I had cute ringlets in my hair before we left the apartment . . . two minutes later they were gone.  Oh well, should have taken a picture then.  
Our good friends Chris and Fleur.  They were the first people we met when we arrived on the island and have enjoyed a nice friendship ever since :).  
Annex buddies :).  Cort studies at the Annex each night (it is a few blocks from the main campus, but 2 minutes from our apartment) and here are the buddies from his class that study there too.  Honestly Cort has spent more time with these people than anyone else.  Glad he has some good friends.  

1 comment:

Brosita said...

Sounds like you have been having a good time.
The pig posts are crazy! Holy moly!
I love your many adventures!