Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Halloween

Our fearless dragon. I had Metz pick out which costume he wanted this year and when he tried this one on he couldn't stop laughing and smiling at himself in the mirror. So dragon for Metz. He has been practicing his roar for over a month so he was fully prepared Halloween.

We went to the Trunk or Treat at our church and Metz loved it. He would only whisper "trick or treat" and then "thank you" but at least he said them :) Before heading to the church we went down a street by our friends house - it was Coral Way (a huge street with high end stores on it) the sidewalk was full of trick or treaters!! We'd go in a store, Metz would say "trick or treat" and we left with candy - that's crazy to me! Guess that is what you do when you live in big city. By the way - Don't you love the wings and tail.

Family - I'm about 6 months pregnant here and Metz is 34 months. Fun Fun. Our family is growing.

The loot! Even though we got home super late, Metz still took out his candy and did inventory. The first thing he wanted to count was his suckers (he loves them!) next it was m&m's. The next morning Metz got to choose a few candy's to eat when he woke up - Cort and I enjoyed a few too.


Darci said...

Halloween is a fun and interesting tradition. My kids were dragons too! I have noticed it was a popular one this year. I didn't see a red dragon as cute as Metz though.

Brosita said...

What a cute kid! Our boys are almost done with thier candy!