The customary stairs picture :) Metz was so great instead of coming upstairs when he woke up he talked into our monitor to let us know they were up, then they got Grandma and Grandpa.

Chase's new car. Cort and Grandpa worked on it late the night before so Chase could see it and play with it right away. Once Chase got in the car he wouldn't get out. Honestly, he opened most of his presents in there. Love.

Metz was spoiled rotten as usual. Great Christmas.

We did eventually get Chase out of the car and they had fun opening presents.

Cort and I were not forgotten . . .he now has an official Las Vegas Jersey to represent while riding.
your boys are ADORABLE!!! they look exactly alike! i showed brandon and he can't believe how big they are already!!
Hey Kimi, It's Kaeli from Rexburg! I just remembered you had a blog :) your kids are SO cute and getting so big! Hope youre lovin Wisconsin! :)
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