Thursday, June 24, 2010

Chicago -read it like a Mobster would say it ;)

Here it is . . . beautiful (really it is) Chicago. We went for a day visit with my parents and were able to take a river tour (more on that later in the post), walked Navy Pier and drove Michigan Avenue. It was a great day and since Cort was post call he got to spend it with us too. (YEA!)

We started out on Navy Pier. It is what is says and really cool huge Pier on Lake Michigan. A couple of shops, places to eat and a fun walk. Plus it was awesome to look back at the city skyline. Cort and I love a City so it was a great experience for us. This anchor is at the end of the pier and huge so why not take a family picture. Cheese.

Aaawww, Chasers. He spent 33% of his time in the stroller, 34% walking and the other 33% on dad shoulders. The pier was great because we could let the boys walk without worrying they had rails and there was a ton of walking space along the walkway.

Cort's first Chicago dog. Delicious.

Grandma and Grandpa Butler with the boys. I know I should've gotten a better shot but it was a busy area and the boys weren't really paying attention so here you go. Sorry mom and dad. But yea, Grandma and Grandpa took us to Chicago :)!!

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