Monday, May 24, 2010

Friends :)

Some of our good friends from the island days came for a visit :) YEA!!!!

Paul played all sorts of sports with Metz (since cort was on crutches) plus he has always played sports with Metz since the day we meet.

Blake gave loves to my little chasers. She would play with Metz all the time. She was awesome to read stories to Metz, play with him and let me have some me time while she would watch him. She was my kitchen, beach, and Dominica buddy . . . I've missed her so much.

It all started with just a Metz and now we have two more babies . . so fun and cute. We had a great time.

1 comment:

Chelsie said...

Such great lookin' kids! How fun that you guys were able to get together!! Miss You!