Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Holiday and Winter Stuff

Ok this is reversed and I am too lazy to change it right!

Metz decorating our new tree. I finally buckled and we got a fake tree for really cheap on Black Friday (we love black friday) This is the day after thanksgiving, Metz was insistent that we decorate it right then.

Metz marking what he wanted for Christmas. Every Sunday he would sit down with his ads and highlighter. He loved pretty much anything. If it had a princess it was out other than that he marked it.

Tuckered out from a trip to Madison. :)

Um, Halloween. I had to get it in there. Metz green (his favorite color, ever) dragon and Chase was our Monkey. Metz wore that costume his first halloween too so we had to keep a tradition.
Ok, I'm getting caught up!

1 comment:

Brosita said...

Oh my goodness- your boys are sooooo cute! Looks like you had some good times over the holidays.