Monday, March 16, 2009


Shout out to Cason and Cade ;)

Here is Chase on his blessing day, March 1, 2009. He couldn't enjoy the cake but he sure looks cute with it.

Grandma and Grandpa Butler with our sweet little one.

Grandma and Grandpa Leavitt (and Cailee) flew up to enjoy the blessing weekend with us. It was so fun to have them here. Metz loved having Grandma, Grandpa and Cailee around and we loved to watch them play with Metz and love our new baby.

Here is our family of FOUR!!! holy cow. Thank goodness church was at 12:30, we actually could get ready and not have to wake up super early!!!

Um, so Chase couldn't enjoy the cake but Metz sure did!!! We also enjoyed fresh fruit, sandwhiches and soup! It was delicious and perfect. (thanks mom for all your work!)


Anonymous said...

Holy Cow! I came across your blog somehow from one of my cousin's friend's blog. I can't believe it! It's Stacia Leugers here (from Cedar City). It is so cool that you guys have another cute little guy. Congrats! Josh and I finally were blessed with a little one ourselves. You should check out our blog at We'd love to hear from you guys. I'm gonna add your blog on ours, so we can stay updated with you guys. I hope life's treating you well. What a cute family!

MegHaNE said...

the cake is as big as he is!! im glad that you guys are doing well, and thats super nice that corts parents and sister got to come out and visit too.

Rodriginn said...

That is one cute family you two have! Congrats on little Chase.

Darci said...

How fun to have all the grandparents there for Chase's blessing. You are a beautiful family - of four!

Brosita said...

Blessing days are so special- fun that so many family memebers could be there.
THe cake does look yummy!
Cute pics!