Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Walt Disney World

We had a Butler Family reunion a few weeks ago at Walt Disney World. It was a blast. My family came out from Idaho and we spent almost a week hanging out, having fun and enjoying Disney World. Cort was even able to come out for four days (which totally rocked :)!) Thanks Mom and Dad for a great vacation. It was so great to see you.


MegHaNE said...

how fun for you guys! i bet metz had a blast! and your baby bump is adorable! how have you been feeling?

Angie said...

That looks so fun! I'm glad you guys got there to play while you live there. Hey, can you give me Meghanne's email address? She comments on my blog sometimes and I want to be able to comment back to her. Thanks!

Jennifer said...

Fun you guys!! Metz looks like such a fun and happy little kid! I hope the pregnancy is going along well for you. :)

Darci said...

HELLO KIMI! It's me, your long lost college friend. I am so excited to see your beautiful face. What a gorgeous litte family you are. I can't believe we lost touch all these years. Well, send me an email and I'll invite you to my family blog. baumchen@verizon.net
I just looked at some old college photos and had to find you. Looks like you are living in the sunshine - which I remember was a must for you.
Congratulations on your pregnancy. I have a 4 year old girl and a 2 year old boy now. Wow, how time flies.