Sunday, July 11, 2010

We found lots of strawberries! Even with all the ones Chase ate we still ended up buying a few pounds.

Here is our patch and our sweet Metz. He was a great helper and loved strawberry picking.

Dirty hands and dirty kids . . .

means mission accomplished. Yes, that would be strawberries all over chase's face. Gotta love that face :)

Treats. Well earned. Don't worry I earned a donut and a pepsi. It was a fun experience but I'm excited strawberry picking time doesn't come around for another year.


capturingtheride said...

I love that you earned treats, too. Just like the ole' days :)

Chase looks like his Momma, to me. They really do grow up so fast! So glad to see you're enjoying every strawberry-faced moment!

Angie said...

Um, Chase's face looks absolutley SPOTLESS compared to Trey's on any given day at any given moment!

Darci said...

Berry picking is a must-do activity with the kiddos. The mud part doesn't sound nice though. Cute pics Kimi.