Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Partners In Crime - Metz and Drake

Cute kids right?!?! They only look innocent and sweet, smiling playing with balls in a tent.  They are best buddies and love to play together.  But you will witness the partners in crime part once you scroll down.
Exhibit A - Once upon a time those flowers were a pretty center piece.  What they turned into was 5 minutes of fun for Metz and Drake.  
5 Minutes is all is took to do all this.  They had a lot of fun doing it too.  The tricky thing about these two is when they are making a mess this big, they don't get all quiet and suspicious they sound like they are just playing like always.
Exhibit B - Cort's school work.  It was on the bottom shelf of that closet.  It is now spread all over my bedroom.  This one took about 15 minutes and had Metz not come out and ask me how to open a highlighter they could have done much more damage.  Luckily they spared Cort's very expensive medical books.  


Carnival in Dominica. This is the children's parade.  Behind them is the truck full of speakers.  It was blasting music all day and everyone was dancing around it.     
Cute kids.  We walked down to Portsmouth around 3:30 and stayed until dusk.  It was loud but fun to see.
Ok, see the shiny silver guy.  Those are soda cans.  As you can see his whole costume was shredded coke cans.  Crazy.
Blurry but a closer look at the cans.  I had a hard time getting this picture cause he kept running back and forth.  All the guys that were dressed up just ran up and down the street for ever.

Local Food

Along with the carnival celebrations there was food. Cort was brave enough to try this fried fish and a scone. I took the pictures. He said it was delicious.
Yup, he ate the whole fish, he then bought a chicken leg. Atleast I didn't have to cook.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Doggie Back Pack

Cheese! Metz says that everytime he takes a picture. My sister got him this back pack for Christmas and he loves dogs. He would hold it and love it but it took him a little while to realize he could wear it. Once he figured it out he was hooked.
Too cute right?!?! He walked all the way to the school (a 10 minute walk for me, 20 minutes for him) with it on. He thought it was so fun.
Action shot. He loves to throw rocks and trust me there are plenty around here. Everytime we walk to the school he stops on the trail and has to throw a few. Rocks, Trucks and Dogs are his favorite things. He still has doggie on his back. Thanks Tami, Ben, Brittany and Cole for such a fun present.


Ok, how cute is this Metz is wearing his "Mets" hat. He decided one day that he really liked it.
Here are Cort and Metz on the beach in their matching swimsuits! (Thank you Jan!) How cute can they be with their hats and suits. I am one lucky mom and wife.

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Kitchen

The reason I added this picture is to show you my stove. See it in the corner?!? It's tiny and it is heated by propane. Even the oven part! I tell you that was one of my biggest challenges moving here was cooking with propane. I now feel like the master since I can bake cookies, breads and cakes without burning them to a crisp.

Our Beach

This is PBH. Our beach. I think the P stands for Picard (the name of our village) and B is beach of course. Not so sure about the H part. We (as in Metz and I) come atleast once a week and sometimes Cort has some time to join us. Cort loves to go and snorkel and see all the cool fish. While Metz enjoys playing on the shore. The water is always around 75 to 80 degrees. I think I will have a hard time jumping into the Pacific after living here. By the way our village is on the Caribbean Sea. There are not a lot of villages on the Atlantic side.

A Quick Recap

So I (and Cort) thought it would be a good idea to recap what we have been doing since April of 07'. This is Ross University Medical School. Cort started on May 1st and we moved to Dominica on April 21st. He is currently in his second year (yea) and we will leave Dominica in August. During our time here he will complete his first two years of medical school all the fun book work parts.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Blogging Begins

Ok people I officially have a blog.  So all of you, and you know who you are, can back off ;) My goal this semester is to improve it, add to it and make it cute.  Once I download some pictures off my camera (yes, I am still trying to figure that out) I will begin the "posting".  I really hope I don't embarrass myself here.  So look for some postings soon.