Cute kids right?!?! They only look innocent and sweet, smiling playing with balls in a tent. They are best buddies and love to play together. But you will witness the partners in crime part once you scroll down.

Exhibit A - Once upon a time those flowers were a pretty center piece. What they turned into was 5 minutes of fun for Metz and Drake.

5 Minutes is all is took to do all this. They had a lot of fun doing it too. The tricky thing about these two is when they are making a mess this big, they don't get all quiet and suspicious they sound like they are just playing like always.

Exhibit B - Cort's school work. It was on the bottom shelf of that closet. It is now spread all over my bedroom. This one took about 15 minutes and had Metz not come out and ask me how to open a highlighter they could have done much more damage. Luckily they spared Cort's very expensive medical books.